Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Talking About Something and Doing Something

Picture This:
You speak about going on a diet, but wait there's this wonderful cake (your favorite flavor) at this party. You'll start the diet tomorrow. Then again the next day you have a work party and there are these little choclate covered pretzals... maybe tomorrow I can start. And so forth the next day becomes the next and the next and the next.
Even though this can happen in a negative fashion, it can be positive as well. The thing is... Talking about something is diffrent than putting it into action. Action requires motivation talking can just be simple chit chat or gossip. Therefore if you say 'I can't talk to you' and the talk doesn't go so well it doesn't mean that you can't do that.
Because the talk was just a little set back, the idea was the spark and the thinking was the flame. So Just because you couldn't just stop the talking when mentioning an idea, that means nothing when actually carrying through an action. An action needs the movement and will power.
So if you have the will power to avoid someone it can be done. All you need is to tell yourself that its done. That you can't do something like eat the cake. You need will power to do most anything, but what if its the most difficult thing yet? Like not speaking with a best friend? Well maybe thats what you need. To prove to yourself that You can do something, especially if it is for a good reason and you need a break.
Talk doesn't fully influence the action. Will power does.
<3 PictureThisGirl

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